an empty agent export template
Create an empty agent group export template
an empty agent export template
Create identity gateway agent
gateway id
IdentityGatewayAgent object
a promise that resolves to an object containing an IdentityGatewayAgent object
Put java agent
java agent id
java agent object
a promise that resolves to an object containing an java agent object
Create web agent
web agent id
WebAgent object
a promise that resolves to an object containing an WebAgent object
Export agent. The response can be saved to file as is.
agent id/name
true if global agent is the target of the operation, false otherwise. Default: false.
Promise resolving to an AgentExportInterface object.
Export a single agent group by id. The response can be saved to file as is.
Group id
Promise resolving to a AgentGroupExportInterface object.
Export all agent groups. The response can be saved to file as is.
Promise resolving to a AgentGroupExportInterface object.
Export all agents. The response can be saved to file as is.
true if global agent is the target of the operation, false otherwise. Default: false.
Promise resolving to an AgentExportInterface object.
Export identity gateway agent. The response can be saved to file as is.
agent id/name
Promise resolving to an AgentExportInterface object.
Export all identity gateway agents. The response can be saved to file as is.
Promise resolving to an AgentExportInterface object.
Export java agent. The response can be saved to file as is.
agent id/name
Promise resolving to an AgentExportInterface object.
Export all java agents. The response can be saved to file as is.
Promise resolving to an AgentExportInterface object.
Export web agent. The response can be saved to file as is.
agent id/name
Promise resolving to an AgentExportInterface object.
Export all web agents. The response can be saved to file as is.
Promise resolving to an AgentExportInterface object.
Get agent
agent id/name
a promise that resolves to an agent object
Get agent by type and id
agent type (IdentityGatewayAgent, J2EEAgent, WebAgent)
agent id/name
a promise that resolves to an agent object
since v2.0.0 use readAgentByTypeAndId instead
readAgentByTypeAndId(agentType: AgentType, agentId: string): Promise<AgentSkeleton>
Get all agents.
a promise that resolves to an array of agent objects
Get identity gateway agent
gateway id
a promise that resolves to an object containing an IdentityGatewayAgent object
since v2.0.0 use readIdentityGatewayAgent instead
readIdentityGatewayAgent(gatewayId: string): Promise<AgentSkeleton>
Get identity gateway agents
a promise that resolves to an array of IdentityGatewayAgent objects
since v2.0.0 use readIdentityGatewayAgents instead
readIdentityGatewayAgents(): Promise<AgentSkeleton[]>
Get java agent
java agent id
a promise that resolves to an object containing an J2EEAgent object
since v2.0.0 use readJavaAgent instead
readJavaAgent(agentId: string): Promise<AgentSkeleton>
Get java agents
a promise that resolves to an array of J2EEAgent objects
Get web agent
web agent id
a promise that resolves to an object containing an WebAgent object
since v2.0.0 use readWebAgent instead
readWebAgent(agentId: string): Promise<AgentSkeleton>
Get web agents
a promise that resolves to an array of WebAgent objects
Import agent. The import data is usually read from an agent export file.
agent id/name
agent import data.
true if global agent is the target of the operation, false otherwise. Default: false.
Promise resolving to an agent object.
Import agent group. The import data is usually read from an agent group export file.
agent group id/name
agent group import data.
Promise resolving to an agent group object.
Import agents groups. The import data is usually read from an agent group export file.
agent import data.
The agent groups that were imported.
Import agents. The import data is usually read from an agent export file.
agent import data.
true if global agent is the target of the operation, false otherwise. Default: false.
The agents that were imported.
Import identity gateway agent. The import data is usually read from an agent export file.
agent id/name
agent import data.
Promise resolving to an agent object.
Import identity gateway agents. The import data is usually read from an agent export file.
agent import data.
Import java agent. The import data is usually read from an agent export file.
agent id/name
agent import data.
Promise resolving to an agent object.
Import java agents. The import data is usually read from an agent export file.
agent import data.
Import java agent. The import data is usually read from an agent export file.
agent id/name
agent import data.
Promise resolving to an agent object.
Import web agents. The import data is usually read from an agent export file.
agent import data.
Update or create identity gateway agent
gateway id
IdentityGatewayAgent object
a promise that resolves to an object containing an IdentityGatewayAgent object
since v2.0.0 use updateIdentityGatewayAgent or createIdentityGatewayAgent instead
updateIdentityGatewayAgent(gatewayId: string, gatewayData: AgentSkeleton): Promise<AgentSkeleton>
createIdentityGatewayAgent(gatewayId: string, gatewayData: AgentSkeleton): Promise<AgentSkeleton>
Update or create java agent
java agent id
java agent object
a promise that resolves to an object containing an java agent object
since v2.0.0 use updateJavaAgent or createJavaAgent instead
updateJavaAgent(agentId: string, agentData: AgentSkeleton): Promise<AgentSkeleton>
createJavaAgent(agentId: string, agentData: AgentSkeleton): Promise<AgentSkeleton>
Update or create web agent
web agent id
WebAgent object
a promise that resolves to an object containing an WebAgent object
since v2.0.0 use updateWebAgent or createWebAgent instead
updateWebAgent(agentId: string, agentData: AgentSkeleton): Promise<AgentSkeleton>
createWebAgent(agentId: string, agentData: AgentSkeleton): Promise<AgentSkeleton>
Read agent
agent id/name
true if global agent is the target of the operation, false otherwise. Default: false.
a promise that resolves to an agent object
Read agent by type and id
agent type (IdentityGatewayAgent, J2EEAgent, WebAgent)
agent id/name
a promise that resolves to an agent object
Read agent group by id
Group id
a promise that resolves to a agent group object
Read all agent groups.
a promise that resolves to an array of agent group objects
Read all agents.
true if global agent is the target of the operation, false otherwise. Default: false.
a promise that resolves to an array of agent objects
Read identity gateway agent
gateway id
a promise that resolves to an object containing an IdentityGatewayAgent object
Read identity gateway agents
a promise that resolves to an array of IdentityGatewayAgent objects
Read java agent
java agent id
a promise that resolves to an object containing an J2EEAgent object
Read java agents
a promise that resolves to an array of J2EEAgent objects
Read web agent
web agent id
a promise that resolves to an object containing an WebAgent object
Read web agents
a promise that resolves to an array of WebAgent objects
Update or create identity gateway agent
gateway id
IdentityGatewayAgent object
a promise that resolves to an object containing an IdentityGatewayAgent object
Put java agent
java agent id
java agent object
a promise that resolves to an object containing an java agent object
Update or create web agent
web agent id
WebAgent object
a promise that resolves to an object containing an WebAgent object
Create an empty agent export template