cotId: stringcircle of trust id/name
cotData: CircleOfTrustSkeletoncircle of trust data
Create an empty agent export template
an empty agent export template
Delete circle of trust
circle of trust id/name
Delete circles of trust
entityProviders: string[]filter by entity providers
Export circle of trust
circle of trust id/name
Export all circles of trust
entityProviders: string[]filter by entity providers
Get circle of trust
circle of trust id/name
a promise resolving to a circle of trust object
since v2.0.0 use readCircleOfTrust instead
readCircleOfTrust(cotId: string): Promise<CircleOfTrustSkeleton>
Get all circles of trust
a promise resolving to an array of circle of trust objects
since v2.0.0 use readCirclesOfTrust instead
readCirclesOfTrust(): Promise<CircleOfTrustSkeleton[]>
Import a circle of trust by id/name from file
Circle of trust id/name
Import data
a promise resolving to the circle of trust object that was created or updated. Note: If the circle of trust already exists and does not need updating, null is returned.
Import all circles of trust
Import data
entityProviders: string[]filter by entity providers
a promise resolving to an array of circle of trust objects that were created or updated. Note: If a circle of trust already exists and does not need updating, it is omitted from the response array.
Import first circle of trust
Import data
a promise resolving to the circle of trust object that was created or updated. Note: If the circle of trust already exists and does not need updating, null is returned.
Read circle of trust
circle of trust id/name
Read all circles of trust
entityProviders: string[]filter by entity providers
Update circle of trust
circle of trust id/name
circle of trust data
Create circle of trust