a promise that resolves to a LockResponse object.
Promote configuration
Promotion request config
a promise that resolves to a PromotionResponse object.
Read last promotion report
a promise that resolves to a PromotionReport object
Read lock status
a promise that resolves to a LockStatus object
Read promotion report
Promotion id
a promise that resolves to a PromotionReport object
Read a list of promotion reports in date order.
a promise that resolves to an array of PromotionReportStub objects
Read promotion status
a promise that resolves to a PromotionStatus object
Rollback a promotion
Rollback config
a promise that resolves to a RollbackResponse object.
Run a provisional report of changes since the last time the lower environment was promoted to the upper environment. The report generated is for informational purposes only and may not reflect all the changes in a full promotion. A dry-run promotion is always recommended prior to a full promotion between environments.
a promise that resolves to a PromotionReport object
Run a provisional rollback report of changes when we rollback the configuration to the previous promotion.
a promise that resolves to a PromotionReport object
Unlock environment
Promotion id.
a promise that resolves to a LockResponse object
Lock environment