config entity id/name
config entity data
wait: booleandelay the response until an OSGi service event confirms the change has been consumed by the corresponding service or the request times out.
promise resolving to a config entity
Delete all config entities
promise reolving to an array of config entities
Delete all config entities of a type
config entity type
promise resolving to an array of config entities of a type
Delete config entity
config entity id/name
promise resolving to a config entity
Export all IDM config entities
options: ConfigEntityExportOptionsexport options
promise resolving to a ConfigEntityExportInterface object
Export a single IDM config entity
config entity id
options: ConfigEntityExportOptionsexport options
promise resolving to a ConfigEntityExportInterface object
Get all config entities
promise reolving to an array of config entities
since v2.0.0 use readConfigEntities instead
readConfigEntities(): Promise<IdObjectSkeletonInterface[]>
Get all config entities of a type
config entity type
promise resolving to an array of config entities of a type
since v2.0.0 use readConfigEntitiesByType instead
readConfigEntitiesByType(type: string): Promise<IdObjectSkeletonInterface[]>
Get config entity
config entity id/name
promise resolving to a config entity
since v2.0.0 use readConfigEntity instead
readConfigEntity(entityId: string): Promise<IdObjectSkeletonInterface>
Import idm config entities.
idm config entity import data.
entityId: stringOptional entity id that, when provided, will only import the entity of that id from the importData
options: ConfigEntityImportOptionsimport options
a promise resolving to an array of config entity objects
Import a idm sub config entity.
entity id for parent config entity of the sub config that is being updated
the updated sub config entity
options: ConfigEntityImportOptionsimport options
a promise resolving to an array of config entity objects
Put config entity
config entity id/name
config entity data
promise resolving to a config entity
since v2.0.0 use updateConfigEntity or createConfigEntity instead
updateConfigEntity(entityId: string, entityData: IdObjectSkeletonInterface): Promise<IdObjectSkeletonInterface>
createConfigEntity(entityId: string, entityData: IdObjectSkeletonInterface): Promise<IdObjectSkeletonInterface>
Read all config entities
promise reolving to an array of config entities
Read all config entities of a type
config entity type
promise resolving to an array of config entities of a type
Read config entity
config entity id/name
promise resolving to a config entity
Read all config entity stubs. For full entities use readConfigEntities.
promise resolving to an array of config entity stubs
Read a idm sub config entity.
entity id for the parent config entity of the sub config entity that is being read
name of the sub config entity that is being read
options: ConfigEntityExportOptionsexport options
a promise resolving to a sub config entity object
Test connector servers
a promise that resolves to an array of ConnectorServerStatusInterface objects
since v2.0.0-42 use IdmSystem.testConnectorServers | testConnectorServers or IdmSystem.testConnectorServers | testConnectorServers instead
Update or create config entity
config entity id/name
config entity data
wait: booleandelay the response until an OSGi service event confirms the change has been consumed by the corresponding service or the request times out.
promise resolving to a config entity
Create config entity