config entity id/name
config entity data
wait: booleandelay the response until an OSGi service event confirms the change has been consumed by the corresponding service or the request times out.
promise resolving to a config entity
Delete all config entities
promise reolving to an array of config entities
Delete all config entities of a type
config entity type
promise resolving to an array of config entities of a type
Delete config entity
config entity id/name
promise resolving to a config entity
Export all IDM config entities
options: ConfigEntityExportOptionsexport options
promise resolving to a ConfigEntityExportInterface object
Export a single IDM config entity
config entity id
options: ConfigEntityExportOptionsexport options
promise resolving to a ConfigEntityExportInterface object
Get all config entities
promise reolving to an array of config entities
since v2.0.0 use readConfigEntities instead
readConfigEntities(): Promise<IdObjectSkeletonInterface[]>
Get all config entities of a type
config entity type
promise resolving to an array of config entities of a type
since v2.0.0 use readConfigEntitiesByType instead
readConfigEntitiesByType(type: string): Promise<IdObjectSkeletonInterface[]>
Get config entity
config entity id/name
promise resolving to a config entity
since v2.0.0 use readConfigEntity instead
readConfigEntity(entityId: string): Promise<IdObjectSkeletonInterface>
Import idm config entities.
idm config entity import data.
entityId: stringOptional entity id that, when provided, will only import the entity of that id from the importData
options: ConfigEntityImportOptionsimport options
a promise resolving to an array of config entity objects
Put config entity
config entity id/name
config entity data
promise resolving to a config entity
since v2.0.0 use updateConfigEntity or createConfigEntity instead
updateConfigEntity(entityId: string, entityData: IdObjectSkeletonInterface): Promise<IdObjectSkeletonInterface>
createConfigEntity(entityId: string, entityData: IdObjectSkeletonInterface): Promise<IdObjectSkeletonInterface>
Read all config entities
promise reolving to an array of config entities
Read all config entities of a type
config entity type
promise resolving to an array of config entities of a type
Read config entity
config entity id/name
promise resolving to a config entity
Read all config entity stubs. For full entities use readConfigEntities.
promise resolving to an array of config entity stubs
Test connector servers
a promise that resolves to an array of ConnectorServerStatusInterface objects
since v2.0.0-42 use IdmSystem.testConnectorServers | testConnectorServers or IdmSystem.testConnectorServers | testConnectorServers instead
Update or create config entity
config entity id/name
config entity data
wait: booleandelay the response until an OSGi service event confirms the change has been consumed by the corresponding service or the request times out.
promise resolving to a config entity
Create config entity