id of the mapping (new: 'mapping/<name>', legacy: 'sync/<name>')
mapping object
a promise that resolves to an mapping object
Create an empty mapping export template
an empty mapping export template
Delete mapping
id of the mapping (new: 'mapping/<name>', legacy: 'sync/<name>')
a promise that resolves an mapping object
Delete all mappings
connectorId: stringlimit mappings to connector
moType: stringlimit mappings to managed object type
a promise that resolves to an array of mapping objects
Export mapping
id of the mapping (new: 'mapping/<name>', legacy: 'sync/<name>')
options: MappingExportOptionsexport options
a promise that resolves to a MappingExportInterface object
Export all mappings
options: MappingExportOptionsexport options
a promise that resolves to a MappingExportInterface object
Import first mapping
import data
options: MappingImportOptionsimport options
a promise resolving to a MappingSkeleton object
Import mapping
id of the mapping (new: 'mapping/<name>', legacy: 'sync/<name>')
import data
options: MappingImportOptionsimport options
a promise resolving to a MappingSkeleton object
Import all mappings
import data
options: MappingImportOptionsimport options
a promise resolving to an array of MappingSkeleton objects
Read mapping
id of the mapping (new: 'mapping/<name>', legacy: 'sync/<name>')
a promise that resolves an mapping object
Read mappings
connectorId: stringlimit mappings to connector
moType: stringlimit mappings to managed object type
a promise that resolves to an array of mapping objects
Read mappings from sync.json (legacy)
a promise that resolves to an array of mapping objects
Update or create mapping
id of the mapping (new: 'mapping/<name>', legacy: 'sync/<name>')
mapping object
a promise that resolves to an mapping object
Update or create mappings in sync.json (legacy)
a promise that resolves to an mapping object
Create mapping