policy id/name
policy object
promise resolving to a policy object
Create policy export template
Export policies
options: PolicyExportOptionsexport options
a promise that resolves to an PolicyExportInterface object
Export policies by policy set
policy set id/name
options: PolicyExportOptionsexport options
a promise that resolves to an PolicyExportInterface object
Export policy
policy id/name
options: PolicyExportOptionsa promise that resolves to a PolicyExportInterface object
Get all policies
a promise that resolves to an array of policy set objects
since v2.0.0 use Agent.readPolicies | readPolicies instead
readPolicies(): Promise<PolicySkeleton[]>
Get policies by policy set
policy set id/name
a promise resolving to an array of policy objects
since v2.0.0 use Agent.readPoliciesByPolicySet | readPoliciesByPolicySet instead
readPoliciesByPolicySet(policySetId: string): Promise<PolicySkeleton[]>
Get policy
policy id/name
promise resolving to a policy object
since v2.0.0 use Agent.readPolicy | readPolicy instead
readPolicy(policyId: string): Promise<PolicySkeleton>
Import first policy
import data
options: PolicyImportOptionsimport options
imported policy object
Import policies
import data
options: PolicyImportOptionsimport options
array of imported policy objects
Import policy by id
policy id
import data
options: PolicyImportOptionsimport options
imported policy object
Update or create policy
policy id/name
policy object
promise resolving to a policy object
since v2.0.0 use Agent.updatePolicy | updatePolicy or Agent.createPolicy | createPolicy instead
updatePolicy(policyId: string, policyData: PolicySkeleton): Promise<PolicySkeleton>
createPolicy(policyId: string, policyData: PolicySkeleton): Promise<PolicySkeleton>
Read all policies
a promise that resolves to an array of policy set objects
Get policies by policy set
policy set id/name
a promise resolving to an array of policy objects
Get policy
policy id/name
promise resolving to a policy object
Update or create policy
policy id/name
policy object
promise resolving to a policy object
Update or create policy