script id
name of the script
script object
a status object
Create an empty script export template
an empty script export template
Delete script
script id
promise that resolves to a script object
Delete script by name
script name
a promise that resolves to a script object
Delete all non-default scripts
a promise that resolves to an array of script objects
Export script by id
script uuid
options: ScriptExportOptionsscript export options
a promise that resolved to a ScriptExportInterface object
Export script by name
script name
options: ScriptExportOptionsscript export options
a promise that resolved to a ScriptExportInterface object
Export all scripts
options: ScriptExportOptionsscript export options
a promise that resolved to a ScriptExportInterface object
Get the names of library scripts required by the input script object
the script object
an array of required library script names
Get script
script id
promise that resolves to a script object
since v2.0.0 use readScript instead
readScript(scriptName: string): Promise<ScriptSkeleton>
Get script by name
name of the script
promise that resolves to a script object
since v2.0.0 use readScriptByName instead
readScriptByName(scriptName: string): Promise<ScriptSkeleton>
Get all scripts
a promise that resolves to an array of script objects
Import scripts
Optional id of script. If supplied, only the script of that id is imported. Takes priority over scriptName if both are provided.
Optional name of script. If supplied, only the script of that name is imported
Script import data
options: ScriptImportOptionsScript import options
validate: booleanIf true, validates Javascript scripts to ensure no errors exist in them. Default: false
the imported scripts
Create or update script
script uuid
script object
a status object
since v2.0.0 use updateScript or createScript instead
updateScript(scriptId: string, scriptData: ScriptSkeleton): Promise<ScriptSkeleton>
createScript(scriptId: string, scriptName: string, scriptData: ScriptSkeleton): Promise<ScriptSkeleton>
Read script
script id
promise that resolves to a script object
Read script by name
name of the script
promise that resolves to a script object
Read all scripts
a promise that resolves to an array of script objects
Create or update script
script id
script object
a status object
Create script